Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Signs This year of Spring

So even though there is still an average of a foot of snow every where in our yard. There are Still some Sure signs that spring is actually here.

The sure smell that spring is here... .Skunk! Yep, the poor skunks are coming out of hibernation and in their sleepy hazy filled brains are not avoiding the cars. So we have on more then one occasion had the privilege of smelling skunk.

1A. The Smell of spring! There has been in the air that very distinguishable smell of spring. Hard to pin down but Anyone who has lived more then a couple years with winter turning into spring knows that smell. It can smell different depending on if you are in the city or country side, but it is there nonetheless.

2. The sounds of spring such birds chirping me awake. This is something that I actually don't mind being awaken by. And today I heard a crane! Yes a crane!! (I also saw one flying) SO That means they are back and spring is here!

There is also the Awesome sound of snow melting and water

3. The Sight of Spring!! I Saw a bald Eagle!! Yes a Bald Eagle and I saw it like 3 or 4 weeks ago. I expect to see a Red Breasted Robin hopping around Any Time Now lol

4. The Temperature of Spring! It is 50 degrees outside and in the spring that means shorts and sandals :D (In the fall that means sweat pants and layers)

Trinity will now go outside and spend 2 or 3 hours outside before she gets cold. I am thinking of sitting on the deck to drink my morning coffee... Yep, it getting warmer outside.

5. The taste of spring is Very similar to the smell of spring... you can't quite put your finger on it, but everything just tastes better. Of course it could be because we just happier in general.

6. And last but not least is the work of spring. We laid out some chicken manure on the lower garden. Stirred the compost pile and started our first seedlings! Cherry tomatoes first in the hopes that they will come first and we can enjoy them before the large tomatoes. Also started the peppers with the longest growing season. Daryl set up a Great lil "green house" in the basement. Basically he wrapped plastic on around a table with 2 lamps in the basement. It 4 sides and a roof. Plastic goes all the way to the floor. Heat pad under the seedlings to keep the roots warm and a small heater inside the plastic to help keep the humidity up. It perfect for small seedlings.

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