Snow and muck and then mud...
Frost in the morning. You cold still see your breath and we were (ok I was. Trinity was just as happy to go out and make a snowman or snow angels as she always ways) REALLY really REALLY ready for spring.
Now... the snow has melted and I'm seeing the signs that spring is here.
First sign that spring is here...
A caterpillar crawling across the brown grass.
Another sign that spring is here is that the snow for the most part has melted. Looking out over our land there is only a few spots of snow left. Last week we had 40 degree weather that was continual over a week. The fog was like pea soup and the mud was gross, but it sure melted the snow in a hurry.
You can see a bit of white in the background.. it is an area that doesn't get much due to the trees.
BUT more exciting is that I can see the garden. We are already planning on this summer's crop.
In fact we have a few seedlings started in the basement already!
Another sign of spring...
Tulips are starting to shoot out. (hope it doesn't snow a foot next week)
One SURE fire way to predict that Spring is TRULY here and not just a quick thaw before we get walloped again.. the birds. I heard the red-wing blackbird today and then I saw it!!
The One thing that makes my heart soar!
The robin!! Not only did I see one, I saw 3!!! I was only able to photograph one, but trust me on this, there was THREE!!
Yep they wouldn't be back unless spring was here to stay.
And one of my favorite things about this year's spring is our rooster Boo-Boo Chicken.
He just loves struting his stuff for the hens in the sunshine and crowing up a storm.
A surprise for us this spring was Bunny. Who is bunny you ask?
Well bunny was a beautiful chicken. We ordered a special breed that lays colored eggs and not the brown you are thinking,,, but they lay greenish or blueish eggs. We hopeed to have a dozen ready by Easter. WELL... she turned out to be a he.
YEP! Bunny is a rooster and he is as twidderpated as the next rooster.
So Trinity asked me why is Bunny jumping on that chicken. I replied that Bunny wanted a piggyback ride. To which she replied... "Well it isn't a very fun piggyback ride. That chicken isn't moving... "
OH! Country kids learn the facts of life sooner than city kids...oh dear.
And I thot Bunny was white like Boo Boo Chicken. She...I mean HE is one gorgeous rooster, gotta say that much! Too beautiful to roast in the oven!
Is Boo Boo Chicken saying cock a doodle doo yet? Or as Trinity says, "Cock a locka loo!"
Yep.. both Roosters are crowing up a storm. I said Boo-Boo was crowing... The 2nd picture of him.. He is crowing!
Daryl says Bunny's days are numbered. That a 2nd rooster isn't any good.. just eats our food.
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